Monday, April 4, 2011

Noah's Ark

Imagine being in a dark black tube with water splashing you in the face every time you turn a corner. When you get to the bottom you drop off into a big pool of water. Little kids screaming when they go down a slide. This was my favorite memory that I had when I went to Noah’s Ark last summer. When I read the story “Deep Water” it reminded me of this perfect memory that I will never forget.
During the day that I was there with my sister and three cousins. We tried to go on every single ride that we could before the day were over. There were only two adults and I was the oldest kid. Being the oldest I had to keep track of all the little ones because the adults don’t like going on the slides. Some of the water slides that were the most fun are the Black Anaconda, Time Warp, Black Thunder, and many more that were just as fun. When the day was over everybody wanted to stay, and we were all really tired from being in the sun. On the way home because the little 5 year old said, “This is the best day of my life”. By the time we got home everyone was sleeping. “Deep Water” reminded me of this day because when the boy was nearly drowning he felt a rush of water over him. He felt like he was all surrounded by water and there was no way out. I was around water slides and water all day and that made me not want to leave.
Have you ever seen or heard any advertisement about a water park? Let’s say you hear about a new ride or how fun the park is. When I see or hear these things it all reminds me of that day when I went to Noah’s Ark. When we read the story “Deep Water” this short story reminds me of when we all got knocked down by the wave pool. In the story the child almost drowns. When we got knocked down we just got back up nothing serious happens.
Last summer when I went to Noah’s Ark it was one of the most fantastic childhood memories that I will never forget. Going down those dark slides and having water splashed on me was the best feeling that anyone could have. That is why I loved the story “Deep water” because it made me feel like I was right back there again.