Monday, June 6, 2011

Best Friends

Imagine a little boy since the day he was born always friendly and helpful to the people and environment around him. This was the exact definition of a boy named Pierre. Pierre named the horse Peter. They were royal and true to one another ever since they met. The best friend award is perfect for this boy named Pierre.
On the morning of April 16th Pierre woke up at 7:15 in the morning. He was so excited because today was his birthday. As any little kid that was turning eight, would run into their parent’s room and wake them up. Pierre walked out of his bedroom, down the hall way, passed the stairs, and the bathroom to get to his parents giant room. All the lights were off; the room was shined with light because the blinds were slightly open. Pierre climbed on the bed and started to jump and say “Mom, dad wake up! It’s my birthday.” They all walked downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen had a lot of cupboards that were full and everything was in place. For breakfast they had pancakes that were perfectly brown and toasted. Pierre’s mom even gave him some strawberries for a little extra flavor on his special day. After Pierre was done eating breakfast, his dad called him out to the barn. Pierre thought that he was going to have to do chores on his birthday but instead his dad said that he had a surprise. When Pierre walked into the barn he saw a little fowl. The fowl was small and brown; it looked like it was just learning how to walk. The fowl’s legs were shaking when they were trying to move. Pierre said that he was going to name him Peter. Pierre was so happy he spent the whole day in the barn feeding and spending time with the fowl to get to know him better. Pierre said to the horse “I promise to take care of you and stand by you no matter what happens, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me”. The next day Pierre had to go back to school because it was Monday. Pierre wasn’t doing very well in his classes and this was because all he was thinking about was his horse. He faked sick because he needed to be home with his horse. Pierre did this a couple other days also. His parents decided that the horse was going to have to stay at the neighbor’s house until Pierre can get his grades up and concentrate on his chores and getting real friend’s that aren’t animals. The day that Peter was getting taken away was the worst day of Pierre’s life. He had to keep his promise that night and he climbed out the window and snuck out to see him. He spent time with him reading and talking to him. When Pierre left to go home he said to the horse “I promise to get you home soon”. The next week he talked to his dad and asked him if Peter can come home. He spent two weeks getting his school work done and chores and his dad said yes because he got all caught up. Pierre did this so he can stay with his best friend; he wanted to keep the true friendship. These two friends were loyal to one another. They kept their promise until the day that they died they stuck together for their whole life. The best friend award is perfect for these two because they were the perfect best friends.
The best friend’s award was perfect for this boy. Pierre kept his promise to the horse that he would stick by his side no matter what would happen to them both.

Deep Water

Imagine being scared of something your whole life just because some little thing happened to you when you were little. This caused the boy in the story to not want to do anything with water, like tubing, swimming with his friends, going to water parks and having fun. In the story “Deep Water”, by William O. Douglas when you have a lifelong fear many people don’t have enough courage to overcome it.
Although you may have a life fear to go on with life you have to overcome or want to conquer it. This takes a lot of courage for this to happen. If something happens to you when you’re little it may scar you for most of your life. Many people don’t want to conquer these fears because they may feel embarrassed or they are just to scared to do it. There are also many people that have to overcome their fear because maybe they can’t go on with life unless they do. It does take a lot of courage to do these things and many people just don’t have enough courage to do them. Childhood fear leading into teenage and adulthood fear is a big thing in the United States. On the website fears and phobias, 75% of these fears start off with part of a childhood fear and they can’t overcome them. They just don’t have enough gut do this because they think that whatever happened to them will happen again. Worst yet it could be worse then what happen to them before.
Though the boy when he was three or four he got knocked down by waves and his dad didn’t help him get back up and just laughed. The boy got older he decided to try to overcome these fears at the Y.M.C.A pool. When he got there this 18 year old boy threw him in the pool and he drowned. Somebody, finally got pulled out of the water. Someone that I know was working in the backyard with her husband. They were cutting up there tree that fell down. There was one piece off the tree that wouldn’t stand up by itself. The wife said that she would hold up the log. When the husband started to cut through the log he didn’t notice that her hand was right there. The wife was screaming for him to stop cutting, the chainsaw was so loud that he couldn’t hear. He almost cut threw the whole bone of her finger but then stopped because she started to cry. He felt bad because of what happened. She was scared of chainsaws for a long time until one day she decided to forget what happen in the passed and start over. Just like in the story the boy soon forgot about what happened and now he does a lot of things with water and so does the wife.
Being scared of things for your whole life might not make you have as much fun. If you work on it or keep trying you maybe could forget about this fear in life and what happened in the past and move on and have a better life.