Friday, November 19, 2010


Patriotism is good to have, and honor. People in the military risk their lives to save our country. Patriotism is one of the most important things that one can have for their country.
Patriotism is one of the most important things because it’s showing that you love where you live and you also love your country. The military men and woman fight for our rights and fight for our freedom. Without people in the military or even in our community we probably wouldn’t be where we are now. That is why everyone should be thankful for all the people that made us where we are now.
I have a lot of patriotism toward my family because my grandpa was in a war. He wanted to make his country happy and he did very much so. Every time I see him I honor him for what he did. My grandpa now is retired from the military. I also have a family friend that is, like an uncle to me, who is in the war right now in Iraq. I am happy that he got to come home in September for his baby girl to be born. He was really excited for that. He said he loves to be in the war because it makes him happy to fight for his family and now his new baby girl.
The holidays that we celebrate patriotism are 4th of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and a lot more. On the 4th of July many people have parties and set off fireworks. Memorial Day you honor the men and woman that fight for our freedom. Veterans Day you honor the men and woman that retired from the military. For all these holiday many people put out their flag to honor our country.
As you can see patriotism is really important because people want to fight for our rights and for us to live in the wonderful country as we do today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sports poem

Skill to play
Practice makes perfect
Organization to have a good team
Really fun to play
Teamwork to win
Strength to throw, catch, or kick

Monday, November 1, 2010

A man and woman were standing at the train station.........

A man and a woman were standing at the train station at sunrise in spring. The sky had a silver moon and the breeze was soft. You could hear the doves chirping in the early morning. You could see the butterflies and the rabbits. The man and woman had each went on a date last night they were talking about how it went. The man had lost his dates phone number and was suppose to call her back the next day. He was worried that if he didn't find the phone number and didn't call her he would be in big trouble. The woman was wondering why her date didn't call her back and if he didn't like her. A teenage girl saw them talking about it and she told them that it didn't matter if their dates didn't like them because if they really truly loved eachother they would forgive them. The man and woman decided that it didn't matter if their date called them back because they had a really great time, and the teenage girl was right. A couple days later the man and woman saw each other again at the train station the man said that he found his date's number and that he is going to get married in the fall. The woman also had good news her date called her and said that he liked the date and wanted to get married too. She is getting married in the summer. The woman said she is going to have her honeymoon in California and the man is having his in Florida. They both lived a happy life.