Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Ciruit Essay

The Circuit

Imagine having no friends or your best friend is your teacher. What would your life be like? In the story “The Circuit” by “Francisco Jimenez” this boy has to go through his life moving from place to place and doesn’t even bother making any friends because he knows they won’t be friends for long.
Every kid in the world needs to have friends to discuss there secrets and just have a conversation with. Most kids need to socialize with somebody besides their family members. Somebody that they can trust. About 25% of humans have no one to talk to. They suffer from emotional pain and possibly they could be depressed. In this story, Panchito is a boy that has no friends. But one day he meets his teacher. He has never been to school before because he and his family move a lot. His teacher became his best friend. At recess and during lunch he’s taught how to play the trumpet by his only friend. This boy finally found some happiness in his life until he found out that he had to move again. He finally found a true friend that was honest and they were true to each other. His teacher understood him and what he was going through.
Although people don’t have friends, it could be because they have moved and couldn’t make any. This boy never had a friend do to the fact that he had to move all the time. Have you ever had to move? Possibly you would have to leave all your friends and your neighbors that you’ve been around forever. I had to move when I was in 4th grade. My mom and dad decided that they wanted to build a house that was closer to my family. Now we have a whole neighborhood that is just me and my family. This boy and his family had to move a lot because they needed jobs and their family was poor. They lived with a family and worked on their vineyard.
Moving is a tough thing when you’re a kid. You make friends and then you never are going to see them again. Friends are one of the most important things that a child could have.

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