Monday, June 4, 2012


            Once upon a time there was a boy named Kyle that wished he could be the champion of his favorite sport soccer. He lives in an environment that a kid his age shouldn’t have to live in.  He got sick a lot and they couldn’t afford to go to the doctor so he has to deal with it without if it wasn’t too bad. Every day after he comes home from school he goes in his backyard and practices drills and plays by himself. He is working up to the dream of going to a team that wins the world cup.  He knows that if he keeps his grades up and keeps practicing he will work up to  his dream. First he knows he has to get a job, the first thing he thinks of is babysitting because he is good with kids. He gets his job on Saturday of that week he thought it was going to be a breeze until he met the kids and he was stuck alone with them. Those kids were out of control they were acting like animals, but all he could think about was their living conditions and he knew he had to get this money.  He worked as a babysitter almost every weekend hoping to get enough money to pay for an apartment. They soon did get the money from him and his mom’s job combined after about two years. He was in high school now and he knew he had to start training like a champion. He tried out for the soccer team and the coach was amazed at his talent. He became a forward for the high school team. His mom videotaped him one game and she sent that video to a college. One scout watched it and they were amazed, he was getting phone calls from so many different schools. He chose a school and he was so amazed on how his life was all coming together and he was soon going to become a champion.  All he could think about was how he was going to keep everything around him together so he could achieve this goal. He worked through college and he was asked to come to be looked at with a bunch of other college kids seeing if they were ready to be on a U.S team. He had gotten picked and he ended up achieving his goal. He led the team in goals scored and scored the winning goal against Brazil to win the world cup. His life was accomplished he was the champion of the soccer world.


  1. I absolutely love the plot line! It was an amazing story, you could improve in word choose and editing but those can be easily fixed. Good job!

  2. I really liked the story of him wanting and becoming a champion. I think you could change the format so it is easier to read. Over all I loved the story!
