Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dead Man's Path

Author’s notes: This writing piece is an extra chapter on the end of Dead Man’s Path.
After Obi woke up that morning and had seen what had happened to his new and improved school he was furious. His wife tried to calm him down because today was the day that the supervisor was going to come and look at his improvements. He screamed at his wife “Who could do this to me, I had done nothing but make this town better”. “You closed down their path” his wife had said. It was a major tradition and you destroyed it. “I agree with what they had done”. “Whose side are you on?” That day was the day that the man was determined to figure out who had done this. The next morning the man had woken up in his bed. He went to work as normal, but today was different because he was going to be more like a detective than a principal. He looked for clues all day sooner than later he had gotten a phone call. This phone call had been from the supervisor. He had called to tell Obi that he should just give up and forget about who had done this to him. When Obi hung up on him he wasn’t going to listen to what that man had said. The next day the kids told him to give up and he started yelling at them. That was the last day that he had a job. The supervisor came and yelled “you’re fired.” Obi had said you gave me this job I’m keeping this job. “Look at these kids they are all terrified of you”. “Fine I’ll leave”. That was the last day that Obi had a job now when you go to visit him you will find him riding the streets to pick up garbage.

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