Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Get to Know People From the Inside

Author’s note: This piece of writing is predicting to what I think is going to happen next in the story called Thank You Ma’am.

Rodger was a young boy that soon has his life changed by a stranger. He really wanted some new shoes bad enough for him to try to steal some lady’s purse. This lady brought him into her home fed and washed him. He knew now not to look at people from the outside not the inside. I predict that is how he is going to go on with his life and how he thinks about things.

I predict that Rodger when he grows up he will never look at people just from the outside. He probably wouldn't just walk past a person that could use his help either. He will get to learn about how they are inside. Seeing a huge scary man walking on the street is what he looks on the outside, but inside he could just be a big teddy bear. Rodger found this out the day that he had met the lady that had changed the way that he looks at people. On the outside Rodger was a bad child. He had tried to steal this ladies pocket book and soon saw how much stronger she was. He acted like she was trying to kill him when she brought him to her house. On this inside that was very different. She fed him and cleaned him. She was trying to give him the nicest things she could because she knew a boy like him wouldn’t just steal someone's pocket book for no reason. I bet Rodger when he sees a child on the street he would ask them what he could do for them. He was that kid that just wanted a new pair of shoes to wear. He isn't going to be that person that just walks by people that need his help. That lady had taught him a very valuable lesson; don't assume people are something until you get to know them from the inside.

1 comment:

  1. Great job!
    I liked the word choice one thing you might want to change is your title but overall it was really good.
