Thursday, February 9, 2012

"I Said No"

Author’s Note: This piece of writing is to analyze a quote from the book Speak.

Imagine being in your school and everyone around you didn’t like you. They could’ve not liked you for many reasons that were bad, but what if you were a victim. You were too shy to stand up for yourself and embarrassed about being that victim, you wouldn’t tell anybody. Melinda was that girl, she had been raped and when IT took her in a closet to do it again she said “I said no” that changed everything around her in a good way. Everyone around her knew that truth and changed their feelings about her.

Melinda was the girl that everyone didn’t notice. She wasn’t able to stand of for herself she was a victim. This just wasn’t a victim of bullying she was raped. Everyone around her had treated her horrible because she was the one that called the police at the end of the year party. In everyone else’s eye she ruined their fun she was just trying to get the guy that had hurt her. She wasn’t able to stand up for herself the first time. She didn’t know what was happening, but when she knew it was happening again her whole mind changed. She had to do something to prevent it this time. “I said no” she said in a firm voice, IT as in Andy Beast. He just gave up because Melinda didn’t stop him the first time he had never been stood up to. Melinda had stopped something that could have led onto more problems.

As soon as Andy had locked her in the closet he had been in control. Controlling her and his actions, he was trying to turn into something that she didn’t want. She couldn’t even be ten feet from him in the hallway without being scared and she is forced to find other ways to her classes. She just couldn’t deal with that anymore. She thought to herself every day, I should be able to walk down my school’s halls without being scared, that isn’t what school is about. As soon as she said “I said No” she took control of the situation. She had the lead in this battle and she was going to keep the control. She hit him and then he fought back but then the lacrosse girls found them. Taking control of this horrible situation was a big gain for her.

Another big gain for Melinda in this situation is that she gained everybody else’s trust and friendships back. That was very important to her because they hated her for being a victim. They never knew the whole or true story of what happen that night. It had been her nightmare. The lacrosse girls heard her say “I said no”, they opened that door at that moment they had seen everything that she had been through. They had taken Melinda to the principal and they all told him what had happened. Gaining her friends back was one of the most important things for her and she had finally accomplished that.

This quote had played a big part in Melinda’s life. She was able to walk down the hallways without having to change her routes to her classes because of some boy that tortured her. She could walk with all her friends and she could take control of situations. She could put Andy of otherwise known as IT behind her because she knew he was never going to touch her again.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Author’s Note: This piece is to inform you about the main character of the book Speak.
Melinda is the main character of this story. She is an outcast at her school because everybody thinks she called the police at the end of summer party last year. Now that school is starting up she has many challenges.
Black hair, hates her skirt, an outcast, this is what Melinda says to herself on the first day of school. Melinda is a girl with a very bad attitude. She thinks there is no point in her living. This is because everybody around her doesn’t notice her because of what happened at a party. She believes in only having art class. That is the only part of her day that she enjoys, she thinks everything else is useless. Her parents fight a lot she doesn’t really have a great family at all. She impacts her friend Heather. Well used to be friend. Heather was new to school and Melinda was the only person that acknowledges that she was there. Until Heather betrays Melinda to move to a better group. She left Melinda because of her bad attitude and she was depressed all the time. She didn’t have any fun around her and just couldn’t deal with her anymore. Melinda is really a depressed outcast at her school.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another Cinderella Story

Once upon a time there was a young girl named Amanda that only wanted to play soccer. Her dad was her soccer coach until the day he had gotten into a car accident. He had died instantly; her step mom was the only one left with her evil step sister Victoria and Delany. Her step mom didn’t even treat her like she was family; it was more like a maid, and worst part of all she said that Amanda wasn’t allowed to play soccer any more. Amanda woke up to her calling on a Friday morning.

“Go make me and the girl’s breakfast” said Jenny her stepmother.
Amanda sighed and knew she had to get up or she would be punished some other way. After she was done making curella de vil's breakfast she headed to the soccer field. She took a few shots than went to the locker room to get freshened up. She met her best friend Jenna at their first class of the day and that would have been history. She got butterflies in her stomach as soon as Luke had walked in the door every day. He was the captain of the soccer team and she was just in love with him.
“There’s a boy vs. girl game tonight for fun, you should go you’re very good, and maybe you will have a chance at showing off for Luke.” Said Jenna

“Delany and Victoria will be there, they will snitch on me, I can’t risk that” Said Amanda.

“Of course you can I will distract them for you” said Jenna.

“Okay fine I will go and I hope Luke will notice me like you said” Amanda Said.

Amanda was on her way home from school excited because she maybe was going to get the guy of her dreams. She got home and she was changing into shorts and a tank top and she told Jenny that she was going for a run to Jenna’s house and she believed her. She really was heading to the soccer field so then she could put on her shin guards and cleats. She was heading onto the field to see who her teammates were. She noticed that she was the only one that really knew how to play so she would really get Luke’s attention. This could be the game of her life that she would remember forever. The guys arrived at the field and they started the game. Amanda dribbled around every single one of those guys doing her moves and they didn’t even have a chance against her. She took a shot on goal and the goalie dove the other way. She did this many times. Then she noticed her sister coming to the field and she remembered she had to be home before they were.
“Sorry I have to go” Amanda said.
“Wait, who are you?” Luke asked.
Amanda was taking her cleats and shin guards off so fast that she didn’t noticed she dropped one.
“I’m sorry, I really have to go” Amanda said.
“Wait you forgot your cleat” said Luke.

Amanda just kept running because she had to beat Delany and Victoria home because otherwise she was going to be in big trouble with Jenny and she never wants that to happen. She would be grounded for weeks and would have to do a ton of chores and that is the last thing she wanted. The next day at school she heard Luke on the announcements. She thought that was so weird.

“I met the girl of my dreams and I have her cleat from yesterday’s game. Please come find me in the soccer field so I can give you your cleat”

Knowing every girl in the school was going to want to be his mystery girl. The reason Luke had no clue who she was, was because she was new to the school this year they moved from California to Florida.

“Hey Mandy you should go and find Luke” said Jenna

“I can’t then Jenny’s minions will tell on me like they did sense they were two” said Amanda.

Luke had some of the guys from the soccer team stand on the field so they could see if it was really the girl who beat all those boys. Luke had been through sixty girls and none of them even knew how to dribble let alone score on all those boys.
“This is useless” he said to Kyle his best friend
“Come on man we will find her don’t worry” Kyle said
That day after school she had to get her mind off of all the things with Luke. She went to the soccer field and she started shooting on the goal. Then Luke came up behind her because he had the same idea to get his mind off his mystery girl.

“Wait a minute, you’re my girl” Luke said.
“No I’m not” Amanda said.
“I would remember those eyes’ anywhere” Luke said.
“Okay I am the girl of your dreams I give up” Amanda said.

Then Amanda noticed he was starring into her eyes’ and she was stuck inside his. This felt right she knew this was a good thing that she had found him. Before she knew it his lips touched hers. She was stuck in this moment forever. She could smell his cologne and she would forever. As soon as he pulled away he reached into his bag and said
“Here is your cleat, you’re only going to get it back if you come and show the guys on my team how to really play soccer.”
“I agree to this challenge” she said.
She just smiled and she knew they were right for each other. Luke had given her a ride home and as soon as she walked in her room she dialed Jenna’s number she told her everything.
“You’re going to play in that game I don’t care what Curella de vil says your going” Said Jenna
The next morning she got a text from Luke that said
“I am going to pick you up, be ready in five”
She typed in a reply that had said
“Okay see you out front.”

She ran up stairs got dressed and packed all her homework in her back pack and packed another bag with all of her things for the game right after school. She really didn’t think what her no good of a family thought she was doing what she wanted now she was a senior and this was her dream, soccer forever. She walked out front and saw Luke pulling into the drive way.

“Somebody looks nice today” he said.

“Thanks, ready for History this morning together?” asked Amanda
“Ready as I will ever be because I’m with you.”
When they walked into school they were holding hands. Everybody was starring at her and whispering. She wasn’t embarrassed anymore about what people thought because she was with the person that she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. Word got around the whole town about the game. After school was over, they met by Luke’s locker.

“I’m so nervous” said Amanda
“Why are you worrying you’re the best soccer player that I know”
She smiled
“Just don’t look at the crowd just pretend like the first time we played.
“Thanks” Amanda said
They were heading out to the field and everyone started to pile into their seats and she just thought of beating the boys in front of everyone. She had to show off who she was so people would know who the wonderful Amanda really was. She wouldn’t just be a nobody anymore. They started the game and she did her thing, she dribbled around all those boys again and scored. She did this many times. The girls won ten to four. Amanda had scored seven of those ten goals.
“Nice game again” said Luke
“I told you, you would find her” said Kyle
“Amanda Fields”
She turned around, “yes that’s me”.
“I am John from the Lacrosse College. We are wondering if you would like to come and play for our college next year. You have a full athletic scholarship.”
“How did you know to come here?” asked Amanda
“Your boyfriend Luke told us to come because he said that you were amazing”
“You did this all for me?” asked Amanda
“I’d do anything for you it just so happens I have been given a scholarship to that same college and now were both going there”.
“That’s great” she leaned in and gave him a kiss.
They both left and she went home and told Jenny that she would have to find a new maid to work for her.
Her reply to that was “where do you think you’re going brat”
“I got a scholarship for soccer and my boyfriend and I are going early.”
She called Jenna and told her everything and Jenna had come over and helped her pack before Luke came back to get her.
“I’m so proud of you” Jenna said
“This wouldn’t have happened without you” Amanda said
“Text me every day and tell me how it is going”.
“You will come and visit me okay?” Amanda said
“I will” Jenna said
Luke came back and they loaded all her things in the car and before they knew it she was off to live her fairytale life. They both lived happily ever after in their college dorms.

Lives during the Revolutionary War

Author’s note: This piece of writing is to compare the book Sarah Bishop and the movie The Patriot.
Imagine a young girl living all alone in the revolutionary war, scared that she won’t make it out of this battle alive. Soldiers are chasing her and she ends up living in a cave. How would you like living in a cave? This young girls name is Sarah. Benjamin and his family are living in the war as well. His family has also been fighting for their lives. I have been reading Sarah Bishop and have watched the movie The Patriot. They have many parts that they are similar but also many ways that they are different.
First, Sarah and Benjamin and his family are both fighting for their lives during this awful time. Sarah is being chased by soldiers that are trying to kill her because she had fled a prison ship. She has nowhere to go so she ends up living in a cave, such a horrible thing for a teenager to have to do all alone. Benjamin and his oldest son, Gabriel have decided to go off to war to help their country. They have been seeing their friends getting shot, houses getting burned down, and treated with no respect. Gabriel couldn’t take it anymore and he decided to step it up and go fight for his friends and family. He knew that if he didn’t do anything, his life would either be taken from him or he would have to do what somebody else wanted him to do. These people are very brave and courageous to be doing what they’re doing.
While these people are fighting for their lives they have also have lost someone that is very close to them. You could’ve guessed on how they were lost, the British soldiers either burned or killed them. The worst day of Sarah’s life was the day that her brother and father were killed. Sarah’s brother had been taken to prison and he was killed. Her father was covered in tar and that soon eventually got the best of him. Benjamin had the worst time of his life during this war time and so did Gabriel. Benjamin had another son named Thomas. Thomas was shot for trying to save his older brother Gabriel. Gabriel was taken away by the British and they were sooner or later going to kill him. Thomas was just a kid. The worst part that got me was what the soldier said to Benjamin. “Stupid boy”, the soldiers said, that’s terrible. Gabriel had gotten married and his wife had been killed. She was burned to death. That really took a toll on Gabriel and he went to go kill the soldiers that did that to her. While he was fighting this battle he had gotten stabbed. He died, and now Benjamin had two sons’ dead. Imagine what that could be like seeing your children dying that would be awful. These two families have had a terrible and rough time during this war.
One major difference between these two stories is that Benjamin and Gabriel are fighting in the war and Sarah is running away from the war. Benjamin and Gabriel knew they had to do something about what was happening and so they decided to go in the war and maybe they could win and have a peaceful life again. That was all they were looking for was to live free in their home with nobody bothering them, they just wanted it to be back to normal. Sarah was the opposite, she figured that if she stays in hiding until the war is over she will have her life back. She thinks that she should just stay home and other people would deal with her problem. Sarah didn’t want any soldier to harm one hair on her head. She didn’t even take the chance to go help people that really needed help. The least she could’ve done was help the wounded soldiers and thank them for what they were doing. Instead she decided just to hide in a cave. These two stories are very different because of their actions.
Sarah and Benjamin, and family have had some similarities and differences. They are both fighting for their lives, trying to keep one another save. Unfortunately they both have had some major loses to their families. The revolutionary war had helped them become closer together but also have destroyed some families.