Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lives during the Revolutionary War

Author’s note: This piece of writing is to compare the book Sarah Bishop and the movie The Patriot.
Imagine a young girl living all alone in the revolutionary war, scared that she won’t make it out of this battle alive. Soldiers are chasing her and she ends up living in a cave. How would you like living in a cave? This young girls name is Sarah. Benjamin and his family are living in the war as well. His family has also been fighting for their lives. I have been reading Sarah Bishop and have watched the movie The Patriot. They have many parts that they are similar but also many ways that they are different.
First, Sarah and Benjamin and his family are both fighting for their lives during this awful time. Sarah is being chased by soldiers that are trying to kill her because she had fled a prison ship. She has nowhere to go so she ends up living in a cave, such a horrible thing for a teenager to have to do all alone. Benjamin and his oldest son, Gabriel have decided to go off to war to help their country. They have been seeing their friends getting shot, houses getting burned down, and treated with no respect. Gabriel couldn’t take it anymore and he decided to step it up and go fight for his friends and family. He knew that if he didn’t do anything, his life would either be taken from him or he would have to do what somebody else wanted him to do. These people are very brave and courageous to be doing what they’re doing.
While these people are fighting for their lives they have also have lost someone that is very close to them. You could’ve guessed on how they were lost, the British soldiers either burned or killed them. The worst day of Sarah’s life was the day that her brother and father were killed. Sarah’s brother had been taken to prison and he was killed. Her father was covered in tar and that soon eventually got the best of him. Benjamin had the worst time of his life during this war time and so did Gabriel. Benjamin had another son named Thomas. Thomas was shot for trying to save his older brother Gabriel. Gabriel was taken away by the British and they were sooner or later going to kill him. Thomas was just a kid. The worst part that got me was what the soldier said to Benjamin. “Stupid boy”, the soldiers said, that’s terrible. Gabriel had gotten married and his wife had been killed. She was burned to death. That really took a toll on Gabriel and he went to go kill the soldiers that did that to her. While he was fighting this battle he had gotten stabbed. He died, and now Benjamin had two sons’ dead. Imagine what that could be like seeing your children dying that would be awful. These two families have had a terrible and rough time during this war.
One major difference between these two stories is that Benjamin and Gabriel are fighting in the war and Sarah is running away from the war. Benjamin and Gabriel knew they had to do something about what was happening and so they decided to go in the war and maybe they could win and have a peaceful life again. That was all they were looking for was to live free in their home with nobody bothering them, they just wanted it to be back to normal. Sarah was the opposite, she figured that if she stays in hiding until the war is over she will have her life back. She thinks that she should just stay home and other people would deal with her problem. Sarah didn’t want any soldier to harm one hair on her head. She didn’t even take the chance to go help people that really needed help. The least she could’ve done was help the wounded soldiers and thank them for what they were doing. Instead she decided just to hide in a cave. These two stories are very different because of their actions.
Sarah and Benjamin, and family have had some similarities and differences. They are both fighting for their lives, trying to keep one another save. Unfortunately they both have had some major loses to their families. The revolutionary war had helped them become closer together but also have destroyed some families.

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