Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Summer Romance Leads into Eternity

Author’s Note: This piece of writing is to create an extra scene at the end of the book the “The Last Song”.
Will and Ronnie had, had a summer romance this past summer. It was just more than a summer romance to them they were truly in love, but when they each have to go to college next week it becomes a problem. When they thought it was over it was just a turn in their relationship.
Ronnie had moved to New York to go to college as a pianist. She thought her love life was over. She was so depressed for weeks because she Will. Well one day she was practicing for her recital she had a special surprise that wasn’t on her agenda at all. Will was sneaking in to come surprise her.

“Your better in person” Said Will

“Oh my gosh, Will what are you doing here?” Ronnie asked
“I have a little Surprise for you and I didn’t want to do it over the phone”

“Well what is it” she asked

“I’ve decided to transfer colleges after the semesters over so we can be together, I want to be with you forever Ronnie” he was blushing
You should have seen her face her eyes got as bright as the sun and she ran up to him and hugged him for what seemed to be eternity she could stay in his arms forever.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time” said Ronnie
“Maybe we could get an apartment and live together, that’s what I’ve always wanted” she said.
“I think we should talk to your mother first, I mean I want to be on her good side” he said with a smile.
So, they were off to tell her mother they called a taxi walking hand in hand. They finally arrived to her mom’s apartment and they walked up the stairs and she noticed her mom was home from work already which was unusual but she was ok with it she wanted this answer as soon as possible

“Will, what are you doing here?” she asked
“We have some news mom, Will is transferring here next semester and we were wondering if we could get an apartment together” Ronnie asked.

Ronnie’s mother had already known will was coming because Will had called her and told her that he was planning on asking Ronnie to marry him.

“I have something to say to you Ronnie” said Will.
He got down on one knee and while he was doing that Ronnie’s brother and her step dad and mom grabbed a sign with pictures of Will and her together on a huge sign that said Ronnie will you marry me.
“Ronnie I know we haven’t been together for a long time but I really do love you, Will you marry me? He asked.
You could tell her was worried by the tremble in his voice but he was excited at the same time.
“Of course I will marry you Will, you’re the best thing that has happened to me in a long time” She said
“So mom is that yes on the apartment, and you knew about this the whole time” she asked.
“Will had called me in the beginning of the week and he had asked if it was OK that he would propose to you and I said of course, and yes you guys can get an apartment together.
She was so excited and she knew she was going to have a great life with Will he was truly the love of her life and they were going to be together forever, and they were.

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