Thursday, April 19, 2012

We All Make Mistakes

Author’s Note: This piece of writing is to show the cause and effects of four girl’s actions in the book Pretty Little Liars.
            Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily are teenage girls that are having trouble in each of their lives. There had been five best friends and then one of their best friends was murdered. They soon will regret what they have done in their lives and the lives around them. They each have had something taken away from them, they can all relate to each other. Dealing with Ali’s death, troubles at home, and with the people they love, really makes them regret their actions, but they notice their actions and it’s too late, they have already hurt somebody.
            First off, you should never keep anything from your parents or family because it will harm you in the end like it did to Aria, this was the cause of her problem. Ali and Aria were walking home from school one day and she saw her father kissing one of his students. She knew she should have told her mother about it but she couldn’t do it, she couldn’t lose her family. Aria had known this would come back and get her someday.  The effect on her family was a year later her parents are divorced her mother had found out that her husband had cheated on her. Aria knew that she was part of the cause of this problem in her life. She could relate to Hanna now because Hanna’s parents are divorced also. She just wished she could go back to that day and fix her mistake, that would affect her life differently now and she really does regret it.
            Another, major issue in Hannah’s life other than her father leaving them was that she got a surprise on her doorstep on Saturday. This was not any good surprise it was the police. Going back to the moment in her head where she knew she wasn’t doing something right. She was looking in the mirror examining how her hair looked today with those sunglasses that she had to have. She looked at the tag and it was too expensive but she had to have them. She thought of the easy way out instead of working for them she slipped them into her purse everybody knew this was the cause for the problems that she has to deal with now. As soon as she walked through those doors she thought she was never going to be seen again. She was at home going to the fridge to get a snack when the doorbell rang and her mom got it. The police were at her door and she knew she wished she hadn’t taken those sunglasses.  Her mother said “Hanna wouldn’t do that, would you”, I’m really sorry mom I had to have them”. (Page 93) She went to the station but they let her off with a warning and community service. That scared her enough for her not to do it again. It really did wreck her relationship with her mother and now she has to try to mend it together again.
            Although Spencer is always trying to be the best at everything, trying to beat her sister with boys, tests, valedictorian, doing things in the community, she soon starts to figure out that she isn’t going to be the best at everything this was the cause of all her problems with her sister. Ali taught her that the day she died. Spencer knew she had to try to stop that but she just couldn’t do it. For example” Look at my PSAT’s I got a higher score than you Melissa”. (Page 130)  The result of this today Melissa and Spencer can’t stand each other. They both are going to need one another and when that day came, the day Ali died Melissa wasn’t there for her. She needed her to hold her and care for her but Melissa couldn’t do it. Spencer’s parents weren’t around very much because of their jobs, so Spencer has nobody now. She can’t take it and she regrets it now and she knows that she shouldn’t always have to be the best one there is. She needs to fix her relationship too, just like Hanna needs to do with her mother. 
            Finally, Miss Emily the girl that everyone thinks is perfect, except she wasn’t the little miss perfect this year.   Last year she was one of the top swimmers and she wouldn’t let anything or anyone get in her way of a scholarship that she was working for. Everyone knew on her team not to get in her way because it wouldn’t turn out so well. This year is different, Emily’s new neighbor moved in and she skipped practice to hang out and sooner than later that caused her coach to call her parents to let them know that Emily hadn’t been at practice for a week.  When Emily walked in the door and her mom said “Who are you and what have you done with my Emily?” (Page 166) That was all the effect of hanging out with one friend instead of practice.  That just about broke her heart and she was grounded for a long time. She could never disappoint her father he was in the army and Emily never I mean never got to see him and to make him disappointed when he was home she just couldn’t do it. She knew she had to change again and she was going to do it.
            These girls all knew what they did wrong, they knew the effects that would happen. They just took the consequences in the long run and maybe if they thought of it in the first place they wouldn’t have caused all these problems. All teenagers make mistakes and it’s hard to be a teenager but they really learned how much they would regret their mistakes.

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