Monday, October 3, 2011

Casey Ruined the Game

Author’s note: A diary entry to myself from the story Casey and the bat. How Casey ruined the game for all his fans and why they are all upset with him.

Dear diary,
Casey totally blew the game for his team, his team was down four to two and he was up to bat with a person on second and third. Casey was way too focused on his ego thinking he was the best on the team, if you really think about it he isn’t that much better than most of the players on that team. When it was Casey’s turn to go up to bat he was too focused on the crowd. The pitcher threw the first pitch and it was good, but Casey just let the ball go right by, he didn’t even try to swing he said it wasn’t his type of pitch. He was worried about the crowd instead of hitting the ball! The pitcher was getting ready to throw the next pitch, but you know Casey, it wasn’t his style. If he would’ve tried to swing at these pitches he might have hit one, he would never know unless he tried. When the pitcher was getting ready to throw the third pitch he pointed into the crowd because he was sure he was going to hit it. The pitcher threw the ball and he swung but he totally missed the ball. If he would’ve tried to hit all those pitches maybe he would’ve hit one. He blew the game and he disappointed the whole crowd and town. He especially disappointed me, I was his biggest fan and it took me until now to realize that Casey is really cocky and full of himself I hope Casey has changed sense then.
His fan Madisen

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