Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Life Turned Around

Author’s note: This piece was created to let the reader be entertained and understand about being yourselve.
Kyle was a junior at a high school in Georgia, and was one of the most popular people in school. He was the captain of the football team and he was dating the head cheerleader, he had everything that a guy could want. Until the day that he found out that he had to star in the school play because he was failing his drama class. Then everything in his life stopped.
Kyle drove to school the next day with his girlfriend Amanda in the front seat. He had picked her up on his way to school. They got out of the car and then walked to the courtyard to hang out with his friends. He sat down at a picnic table next to his friends. Amanda came and sat next to him. She was hanging on him because she thought she was so cool. Kyle was starting to get sick of her always being right on top of him. He was going to say something to her because he was tired of it then the bell rang.
His first class of the day was drama he was failing drama so his teacher said he had to be the lead role in the play, otherwise he was going to get kicked of the football team. The play that they were doing was Grease. Kyle was going to try out for the role of Danny. He tried out in front of the class and they decided that he should get the role. The outsider at this school her name was Emily. She had tried out for the role of Sally she was amazing. Everyone didn’t think she could sing that well. The next day at school she asked him if he needed any help with any of his lines. He just ignored her because that was the cool thing to do. Then Kyle was disconcerted with all the lines that he had to remember and then he took her up on that offer. Every day after school he would drive them back to her house and they would practice.
The next day he picked Amanda up from her house to take her to school with him. They went out to the courtyard again and sat at the same table. This time Kyle told Amanda that he was getting tired of her hanging on him. He broke up with Amanda, and she was begging him to stay with her. They had been dating a whole year. He had to focus on the play so he could get his grades up.
The night of the play was tonight, it went by so fast. All his friends were going to be there and he was embarrassed to be singing with Emily. She was in her dressing room and he was in his. He was on the stage first he had the first song. While he was starting to sing his song Emily was in her outfit. It was a white and blue dress, she looked stunning. She was walking out to sing her part of the song now. Kyle was just so shocked of how beautiful she was. He thought about all those times he had ignored her and just made her feel like an outsider. He thought about what all his friends would say about him going to ask her out. He didn’t care about what other people thought anymore.
After they were done with the play they went out to dinner. She said to him “why did you choose me instead of all those cheerleaders”. He said back to her “you are more beautiful than all of them”. That night he took her home. The next day he picked her up and took her to school. The cheerleaders were making fun of Emily and Amanda was the head of it. Kyle stood up to them and took her to their drama class. Kyle looked at his grade for the play and it was up to a B-.
Kyle was the quarterback of the football team all through high school. He and Emily had dated all through high school. He found out it didn’t matter what other people thought it was his life so he had to live it. After high school they went their separate ways. Ten years later Emily went to one of Kyle’s college football games. He saw her in the stands and after the game he went to go talk to her. The first thing out of his mouth as he got down on one knee was “Will you marry me.” Emily said “yes!” They lived their life happily together.

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