Friday, October 14, 2011

Clear Your Mind Go Outside

Author’s note: I wrote this piece about why students need to go outside during the school day.

Have you ever seen a student in your class that is always jumping in their seat? They are never focused by the end of the day. Talking too much and disturbing people. Do you think they would act the same if they had some fresh air time? Fresh air is very important in a child’s life they need it to help their learning ability.
The first important reason why they need some fresh air is that they will start to learn better. When they go outside it is clearing there mind. The stress is leaving there mind and they just had fifteen minutes to focus on something that doesn’t have to deal with school. When it’s time for them to come back in they are more focused now. This is because they had some time to do what they want outside and be with their friends. When they come back in they will take the information in their brains better and they will be more focused.
Next, for the teacher’s sake they will get all their energy out when they are outside. They will be running around and playing with their friends. They will work better in the classroom they won’t be so anxious and they won’t be jumping around in there seat or disturbing the class by talking all the time. These students that do this they are the students that don’t get any fresh air at all. It’s very important to kids that they get to go outside and talk to each other and run around. This is just what kids love to do it’s one of their hobbies.
Finally, if you were a parent wouldn’t you want your kids to want to go to school and enjoy it? When students get their time outside they are going to want to come to school the next day because they know they will get more time. It is like a reward to them to go outside. Soon they will start to love to come to school for the fresh air and the learning. This is what teachers want and parents want. They don’t want to have their kids be miserable. That is just what they are going to be when they don’t go outside. Parents aren’t going to be happy and when their kids come home crabby and want nothing to do with them. Fresh air will help that and their kids will come home, their parents will enjoy them feeling good.
Getting fresh air is one of the most important things that a child needs in their life. It will help them learn better and pay attention. Students will want to come to school and will want to learn. Parents will be happier when their kids come home because they won’t be crabby. Fresh air helps these students grow physically and mentally.

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