Monday, December 19, 2011


I have written this piece to reflect on the reading that I have done for the month of December.
Perfect was about these five girls that used to be best friends. They were best friends until there friend Ali had died. Ali was murdered, these girls took this hard for at least two months, then they decided to go on with their lives and they had gone their separate ways. The girls had all of a sudden had gotten texts or messages from an anonymous person that called their self A. These girls have meet up and discovered that they all had someone watching every move that they make. A had been telling the girls that he or she had known about their secrets and was going to tell the other girls and the world. These secrets have hurt these girls and the people around them. Now they have come together trying to figure out their friend’s murderer and who A is.
Aria’s parents have split up and now she had gotten kicked out of her house. This was because A had sent an anonymous letter to her mother saying that Aria had seen her father cheating on his wife with one of his students. Aria had promised her dad that she wouldn’t say anything to her mom and that is what came back and got her. She has been kicked out of her house because she had kept a major secret from her mother. Spencer had not been focusing on school. She wanted to go to a party so she had sent her teacher an essay that her sister had wrote for the same assignment. Her teacher had put her in a running for a huge award. She has been dealing with that grief because she didn’t really think her essay would make it this far. These four girls have a lot of problems on their hands. Sometimes they pick the bad decision from the good and that is going to come back and bite them in the butt.

Family Matters

Authors note: I have wrote this piece to compare the theme family from two different books. Their similarities and their differences and how their actions reflect on the people they love.

Imagine two teenagers having major trouble with their families, losing their family at such a young age. I have been reading two books; the names of these two books are Sarah Bishop and Perfect. These two books have to deal with the theme of family. There are many ways these two books are similar but there are many ways they’re different also. Aria is a young girl, a modern day rich kid, but she also has some major problems as well as Sarah did in her time.

First, these poor girls have lost their families in some way. Whether it’s them passing away or just getting sent away. Aria is a sixteen year old girl that has been banned from her house. Her mother and her brother never wanted to see her again. She has been left alone in this big world not knowing what to do. She has to figure out where she could stay and how was she going to get food. Until her boyfriend Sean comes to help. This was what a sixteen year old girl shouldn’t have to worry about. Sarah is a fifteen year old girl that has lost her brother, and her father. Her father had been killed for liking the king. Her brother has been killed because he went to war to fight against the king; he had been killed in a British prison. She is also out in this world alone, not knowing where she should stay or what to do. She has adapted to it but Aria has not. Aria walks past her house everyday on her way to school while Sarah doesn’t even have a home. Her home was burnt down by the men that killed her father. Aria has been tempted walking past her house everyday to go and stay there. These girls have a lot on their plates for just being a teenager.

Another reason these girls have something in common is that someone in their family’s have turned their backs on the rest of them. In Sarah’s case her brother had turned his back on the rest of his family. They were all on board with what the king was doing and suddenly he broke the news that he was going to war to fight against the king. This had really disappointed his family and they hadn’t really been on board with him even going to war, let alone he was telling them the day he was leaving for war. Aria’s father had disappointed her family. Aria kind of had a part in that to. That is why she was living on the street. Her father had cheated on his wife and Aria had seen him kissing one of his students. She had promised her father that she wouldn’t tell her mother. Her mother had gotten a note from somebody that had also seen her father with the student and had told her about the affair and also about how Aria knew. Her mother had kicked her father out of her house and had banned Aria from coming home. These two girls had a lot of betrayal that had happened to them; it led to them fending for themselves.

Although they have many similarities they also have many differences. Aria had gotten kicked out of her house because she betrayed her family. She had done wrong to her family and she was getting punished for it. Sarah was a young girl living during the revolutionary war; she had the normal jobs of the women. Her father and her brother had gotten killed because of the war. Even though her father wasn’t in the war he was still killed by soldiers who were. Sarah had done nothing wrong to her family, she didn’t deserve any punishment but she still got some. Another difference is Aria’s boyfriend had let her come and live in his house until she could find somewhere else to stay. She had been treated well and Aria is just happy that she has a bed to sleep and a roof over her head. She had been just given all that even though she had done something wrong. Sarah has no place to go in fact she has been living in a cave in the forest. Finding her own food she has to work to have a shelter and to be eating food. It’s pretty sad for a girl that had done nothing wrong to have to sleep on a hard rock floor. How is it that Aria gets everything handed to her when she’s bad and Sarah has nothing, she didn’t even do anything wrong.
Finally, the last difference is that Aria’s family is very ashamed of her, Sarah’s really appreciated her. This was because Sarah had done everything that her family every wanted her to do. She cooked for them, she cleaned their house, and she took care of them. She was the women of the house which meant she had to do everything that an adult female would do. She really had earned every ones appreciation for her and she respected them because of that. On the other hand Aria had not been appreciated. She kind of helped her father on destroying their family. They would never be the same because she withheld a secret that she should’ve shared with the rest of her family. Her family was very ashamed from her actions they said that they would have felt better for her just to come forward about the truth. It wouldn’t have been her fault it was her fathers. Now, that she had her father’s trust she broke the two people that she loved the most.

In conclusion, these two young girls have had some differences but they are also very much alike. They had to take responsibilities for their actions at a young age. Some of their actions really hurt their families. That is why the major theme of this book is family. They helped their families but they also hurt them to. They found out that everything they do can hurt the people they really love.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Conflicts through a Young Girl's Life

Authors note: This piece has been written to show the conflicts of a young girl’s life and how they have been resolved. This is written on Sarah Bishop my historic fiction book.

Sarah is a young girl that has been living in the forest on her own, during the revolutionary war. This girl had a Father and a brother, but they were both killed. Her father was covered in tar and eventually died. Her brother had gone to fight the king but he has been captured in prison and they killed him. During this time Sarah has had many conflicts while living in the forest, and here are some of them.
While she was on a hunt for her brother, she got accused of burning down a church. She was taken to a prison; it was the prison that her brother had been killed at. She had just found out by one of the men on board that he had been killed. When Sarah found that out she had jumped of the boat into the water. She had quickly swum to shore even though it was a struggle because she hadn’t known how to swim. While she was swimming the soldiers were shooting at her hopefully to hit her. Now, she is being chased because they think that she was the one that burned down the church. Sarah is flinching at every sound that she hears frightened that the two soldiers are behind her. She has made a home in a cave in the forest hoping that she would be safe from those soldiers.
Another conflict that has happened was Sarah was bitten by a Copper head snake. She had no clue on how to treat this bite. She could feel the poison creeping through her whole body. The first second she had no clue why her hand was hurting, and then she saw the snake. Her hand grew two times the size as her arm. It was turning purple. She was hoping for her Indian friends to come back and help her. She had slept outside a bunch of nights because she didn’t have enough strength to walk to the cave.
These conflicts have been resolved! Sarah hadn’t been caught by the British and sooner or later they had lost the trail of her and they just said “forget it; she isn’t going to turn herself in.” In the morning Sarah’s Indian friends had come back, they saw her and were very worried but the wife had known what to do. She had slit a hole with her knife in between where the fangs and gone into her hand. The wife had sucked all the poison out of her hand. She had to take a few days to recover but that was ok. Most of the conflicts have been resolved, and now Sarah has made a home in her cave, and she stated there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seeing it Through another Person Eyes

Author’s note: This writing piece is written based upon our social studies reading book. It shows how point of view plays a big role in the reading and how we view it.

Imagine a fifteen year old girl wandering around by herself during the Revolutionary War, this girl was Sarah Bishop. Her father was killed and her brother went off to war. She went looking for her brother to tell him the news. Sarah went to a prison to check there and see if her brother was there. Unfortunately the guard told her yes, but that wasn’t true. She got sent to talk to the Kernel; he said he wasn’t in that prison. They sent her to the right prison and she found out from her brother’s friend that he had died. She was alone now and she was fighting her own battles. During this time she quickly jumped off her boat and swam to shore; while she was doing this the soldiers were shooting at her. In the solders point of view the story would be much different, seeing it through their eyes.
During the book we see everything through Sarah’s eyes it makes us, the readers see the British soldiers as bad people. Sarah has many emotions toward the soldiers. First of all she hates them because they killed the only thing that she had left; her brother. She makes us think that they are the worst people in the world. She hasn’t chosen which side she had liked but when the soldiers starting chasing her as soon as she stepped off that boat, she is slowing changing her mind. She is trying to persuade us, the reader that the British soldiers are the cruelest people the world knows.
However, if you were to read the book through the Soldiers point of view it would be very different compared to a fifteen year old girl. The reader would see why they were chasing Sarah around the world. The soldiers had their reasons that they had to follow her they wanted to see their children again. The reader would react upon what Sarah did, because to them she broke the rules that they were supposed to follow. When you break the rules you have consequences. They had to find her to give her those consequences. If you read it in their point of view you would think that they were the good guys and Sarah was the bad one. That is just how the readers view it.
Point of view plays a big role in when you’re reading books. It makes you chose sides, because each person tells it on how they have viewed it. This book it makes us chooses Sarah’s side just because the way she is telling it, how the soldiers have hurt her in many ways. When Sarah explains her life it really has a huge difference than if the soldiers would explain it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Same Old Dally

This writing piece is about Dally the character I chose and how he is a static character throughout the whole book.
What is a typical greaser? Someone that has a tough attitude, self-centered, and stubborn, that was Dally. The worst part of all of this was that he thought that he didn’t belong here, that the whole world despised him, but the only good part of him living was Johnny. Johnny was like the son or little brother that Dally never had. Dally is a static character throughout the whole book, from when we met him to the day that he died.
During a few years ago Dally had been arrested, he had gotten arrested only to be at the age of ten. Now, Dally tries to avoid the police at all costs, this is because when something happens they always assume it’s him because of his background. Dally was rarely at his parent’s house, he was always at someone else’s house or even at a bar. Dally was one of those typical greasers that people avoided because of the way he looked. Everyone would think that he would mug them. If anyone sassed back at Dally he would hurt them, unless it was Johnny. Johnny was his prize possession. Nobody knew why, he just was.
During Dally’s time he was a typical greaser as people would say. Dally drank and smoked, he didn’t care if he got drunk, that stuff just didn’t really matter. Dally was the kind of person that doesn’t care about what people thought of him. Dally was disrespectful, cruel, nasty, self-seeking, to everyone around him. In this instance when Dally, Ponyboy, and Johnny were at the movies and Cherry and her friend were in front of them. Of course Dally being himself, made fun of those girls, called them names, kicked their seats and when Cherry asked him to stop he mocked her. He just thought it was funny, and didn’t think about it, what if he was in Cherry’s shoes. Dally carried around a gun that wasn’t loaded just to intimidate people. He wanted others around him to be scared of him. Dally couldn’t miss a rumble for his life. Fighting was part of Dally’s life. He had to be in them, everyone was terrified to go against him though. If you messed with him he would hurt you. He could put someone in the hospital, but he would only severely hurt one of the socs. He would hurt one of the greasers but not very bad, he would typically slap them. On the other hand if Johnny were to sass back to him, he wouldn’t harm a hair on Johnny’s head. That was just the way there relationship worked.
Meanwhile, the day that Johnny had gone into a burning church to save five young kids, that day changed Dally’s life. While Johnny was in that church with Ponyboy his back had got crushed with a beam from the church. He had also gotten severely burned. Dally knew Johnny would never be able to walk anymore. When Dally saw his son/brother being crushed he knew he had to go save him. He brought him out of the church cuts on his face, bruises he was like a new born baby in his arms. That day when they went to see Johnny in the hospital, was the worst day of Dally’s life. He found out that Johnny had died and he had nothing to live for anymore. That night after the rumble Ponyboy and the rest of the greasers found out that Dally had robbed a grocery store. They knew that Dally didn’t want to live anymore because he had nothing to live for. Dally knew that the police would come after him, when he heard the sirens coming he put his hand into his pocket. As soon as Ponyboy saw that he knew that he didn’t want to live anymore. Dally had told Johnny and him that he never has that gun loaded. At that moment that he went to take his hand out of his pocket, they heard shots fired and it was too fast for them to see it but Dally was on the floor. This was the point, Dally didn’t care about what the others had felt, and they had also lost one of their best friends. He didn’t think about the rest of the greasers and what they would think and feel when he decided that he shouldn’t live anymore. He was selfish, and he just didn’t care about anyone but himself.
Dally had his tough attitude, trying to be cool, mean, rude, wanted everyone to be intimidated by him that was just Dally. That is how he was throughout his whole life. His friends from the greasers got used to him being that way and learned to just go with it otherwise you got abused. That is just how Dally lived his life, it was his choice to take his life and that’s what he did.

How Could You Do This?

Dear Ali,
When you saw Toby staring at you guys in the window, you just should’ve asked him to go away and shut the blinds. Instead you said “we have to give him a taste of his own medicine.” The rest of the girls didn’t want you to have done what you did. You should’ve listened to Aria when she said “what if something goes wrong.” That wasn’t a good idea because you really hurt Jenna.
When you asked them if you should’ve gotten revenge on Toby by lighting a fire work into his tree house to scare him, they thought it was a bad idea and they were right. Have you ever heard of two wrongs don’t make a right? Next time you should just ignore him. The other girls didn’t want you to do that but you kept bugging them because you knew they would say “yes” eventually. That is just not being a good friend pushing them to do something that they didn’t want to do. When you pressure a person, it makes them very uncomfortable-- a best friend shouldn’t do that! If you were around your best friend, imagine them trying to get you to do something that you didn’t want to do, what would you do? You would feel uncomfortable around them and wouldn’t really want to be around that person.
Plus, you know what you did to that family? You frightened them for life. Jenna was in that tree house instead of Toby, and when you blew that firework up there Jenna got blind. She has to deal with that her whole life. How would you like to be blind because of some immature girl that couldn’t get over something? Just think about this before you go and prank someone. The worst part about it was that you didn’t confess to the police that it was you that lit the firework. You know who took the blame? It was Toby; he isn’t so bad, is he now? He saw you light that firework; you’re going to have to deal with that grief your whole life. Just think about it before you go pressuring people, and “prank” someone. It could really hurt you and the other person. You’re going to deal with this the rest of your whole life. You really could’ve done something different to deal with Toby. Although he looked through your window you could’ve gone on with your lives, instead you had to make a big deal about it, and that hurt a lot of people.