Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How Could You Do This?

Dear Ali,
When you saw Toby staring at you guys in the window, you just should’ve asked him to go away and shut the blinds. Instead you said “we have to give him a taste of his own medicine.” The rest of the girls didn’t want you to have done what you did. You should’ve listened to Aria when she said “what if something goes wrong.” That wasn’t a good idea because you really hurt Jenna.
When you asked them if you should’ve gotten revenge on Toby by lighting a fire work into his tree house to scare him, they thought it was a bad idea and they were right. Have you ever heard of two wrongs don’t make a right? Next time you should just ignore him. The other girls didn’t want you to do that but you kept bugging them because you knew they would say “yes” eventually. That is just not being a good friend pushing them to do something that they didn’t want to do. When you pressure a person, it makes them very uncomfortable-- a best friend shouldn’t do that! If you were around your best friend, imagine them trying to get you to do something that you didn’t want to do, what would you do? You would feel uncomfortable around them and wouldn’t really want to be around that person.
Plus, you know what you did to that family? You frightened them for life. Jenna was in that tree house instead of Toby, and when you blew that firework up there Jenna got blind. She has to deal with that her whole life. How would you like to be blind because of some immature girl that couldn’t get over something? Just think about this before you go and prank someone. The worst part about it was that you didn’t confess to the police that it was you that lit the firework. You know who took the blame? It was Toby; he isn’t so bad, is he now? He saw you light that firework; you’re going to have to deal with that grief your whole life. Just think about it before you go pressuring people, and “prank” someone. It could really hurt you and the other person. You’re going to deal with this the rest of your whole life. You really could’ve done something different to deal with Toby. Although he looked through your window you could’ve gone on with your lives, instead you had to make a big deal about it, and that hurt a lot of people.

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