Monday, December 12, 2011

Conflicts through a Young Girl's Life

Authors note: This piece has been written to show the conflicts of a young girl’s life and how they have been resolved. This is written on Sarah Bishop my historic fiction book.

Sarah is a young girl that has been living in the forest on her own, during the revolutionary war. This girl had a Father and a brother, but they were both killed. Her father was covered in tar and eventually died. Her brother had gone to fight the king but he has been captured in prison and they killed him. During this time Sarah has had many conflicts while living in the forest, and here are some of them.
While she was on a hunt for her brother, she got accused of burning down a church. She was taken to a prison; it was the prison that her brother had been killed at. She had just found out by one of the men on board that he had been killed. When Sarah found that out she had jumped of the boat into the water. She had quickly swum to shore even though it was a struggle because she hadn’t known how to swim. While she was swimming the soldiers were shooting at her hopefully to hit her. Now, she is being chased because they think that she was the one that burned down the church. Sarah is flinching at every sound that she hears frightened that the two soldiers are behind her. She has made a home in a cave in the forest hoping that she would be safe from those soldiers.
Another conflict that has happened was Sarah was bitten by a Copper head snake. She had no clue on how to treat this bite. She could feel the poison creeping through her whole body. The first second she had no clue why her hand was hurting, and then she saw the snake. Her hand grew two times the size as her arm. It was turning purple. She was hoping for her Indian friends to come back and help her. She had slept outside a bunch of nights because she didn’t have enough strength to walk to the cave.
These conflicts have been resolved! Sarah hadn’t been caught by the British and sooner or later they had lost the trail of her and they just said “forget it; she isn’t going to turn herself in.” In the morning Sarah’s Indian friends had come back, they saw her and were very worried but the wife had known what to do. She had slit a hole with her knife in between where the fangs and gone into her hand. The wife had sucked all the poison out of her hand. She had to take a few days to recover but that was ok. Most of the conflicts have been resolved, and now Sarah has made a home in her cave, and she stated there.

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