Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Same Old Dally

This writing piece is about Dally the character I chose and how he is a static character throughout the whole book.
What is a typical greaser? Someone that has a tough attitude, self-centered, and stubborn, that was Dally. The worst part of all of this was that he thought that he didn’t belong here, that the whole world despised him, but the only good part of him living was Johnny. Johnny was like the son or little brother that Dally never had. Dally is a static character throughout the whole book, from when we met him to the day that he died.
During a few years ago Dally had been arrested, he had gotten arrested only to be at the age of ten. Now, Dally tries to avoid the police at all costs, this is because when something happens they always assume it’s him because of his background. Dally was rarely at his parent’s house, he was always at someone else’s house or even at a bar. Dally was one of those typical greasers that people avoided because of the way he looked. Everyone would think that he would mug them. If anyone sassed back at Dally he would hurt them, unless it was Johnny. Johnny was his prize possession. Nobody knew why, he just was.
During Dally’s time he was a typical greaser as people would say. Dally drank and smoked, he didn’t care if he got drunk, that stuff just didn’t really matter. Dally was the kind of person that doesn’t care about what people thought of him. Dally was disrespectful, cruel, nasty, self-seeking, to everyone around him. In this instance when Dally, Ponyboy, and Johnny were at the movies and Cherry and her friend were in front of them. Of course Dally being himself, made fun of those girls, called them names, kicked their seats and when Cherry asked him to stop he mocked her. He just thought it was funny, and didn’t think about it, what if he was in Cherry’s shoes. Dally carried around a gun that wasn’t loaded just to intimidate people. He wanted others around him to be scared of him. Dally couldn’t miss a rumble for his life. Fighting was part of Dally’s life. He had to be in them, everyone was terrified to go against him though. If you messed with him he would hurt you. He could put someone in the hospital, but he would only severely hurt one of the socs. He would hurt one of the greasers but not very bad, he would typically slap them. On the other hand if Johnny were to sass back to him, he wouldn’t harm a hair on Johnny’s head. That was just the way there relationship worked.
Meanwhile, the day that Johnny had gone into a burning church to save five young kids, that day changed Dally’s life. While Johnny was in that church with Ponyboy his back had got crushed with a beam from the church. He had also gotten severely burned. Dally knew Johnny would never be able to walk anymore. When Dally saw his son/brother being crushed he knew he had to go save him. He brought him out of the church cuts on his face, bruises he was like a new born baby in his arms. That day when they went to see Johnny in the hospital, was the worst day of Dally’s life. He found out that Johnny had died and he had nothing to live for anymore. That night after the rumble Ponyboy and the rest of the greasers found out that Dally had robbed a grocery store. They knew that Dally didn’t want to live anymore because he had nothing to live for. Dally knew that the police would come after him, when he heard the sirens coming he put his hand into his pocket. As soon as Ponyboy saw that he knew that he didn’t want to live anymore. Dally had told Johnny and him that he never has that gun loaded. At that moment that he went to take his hand out of his pocket, they heard shots fired and it was too fast for them to see it but Dally was on the floor. This was the point, Dally didn’t care about what the others had felt, and they had also lost one of their best friends. He didn’t think about the rest of the greasers and what they would think and feel when he decided that he shouldn’t live anymore. He was selfish, and he just didn’t care about anyone but himself.
Dally had his tough attitude, trying to be cool, mean, rude, wanted everyone to be intimidated by him that was just Dally. That is how he was throughout his whole life. His friends from the greasers got used to him being that way and learned to just go with it otherwise you got abused. That is just how Dally lived his life, it was his choice to take his life and that’s what he did.

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