Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seeing it Through another Person Eyes

Author’s note: This writing piece is written based upon our social studies reading book. It shows how point of view plays a big role in the reading and how we view it.

Imagine a fifteen year old girl wandering around by herself during the Revolutionary War, this girl was Sarah Bishop. Her father was killed and her brother went off to war. She went looking for her brother to tell him the news. Sarah went to a prison to check there and see if her brother was there. Unfortunately the guard told her yes, but that wasn’t true. She got sent to talk to the Kernel; he said he wasn’t in that prison. They sent her to the right prison and she found out from her brother’s friend that he had died. She was alone now and she was fighting her own battles. During this time she quickly jumped off her boat and swam to shore; while she was doing this the soldiers were shooting at her. In the solders point of view the story would be much different, seeing it through their eyes.
During the book we see everything through Sarah’s eyes it makes us, the readers see the British soldiers as bad people. Sarah has many emotions toward the soldiers. First of all she hates them because they killed the only thing that she had left; her brother. She makes us think that they are the worst people in the world. She hasn’t chosen which side she had liked but when the soldiers starting chasing her as soon as she stepped off that boat, she is slowing changing her mind. She is trying to persuade us, the reader that the British soldiers are the cruelest people the world knows.
However, if you were to read the book through the Soldiers point of view it would be very different compared to a fifteen year old girl. The reader would see why they were chasing Sarah around the world. The soldiers had their reasons that they had to follow her they wanted to see their children again. The reader would react upon what Sarah did, because to them she broke the rules that they were supposed to follow. When you break the rules you have consequences. They had to find her to give her those consequences. If you read it in their point of view you would think that they were the good guys and Sarah was the bad one. That is just how the readers view it.
Point of view plays a big role in when you’re reading books. It makes you chose sides, because each person tells it on how they have viewed it. This book it makes us chooses Sarah’s side just because the way she is telling it, how the soldiers have hurt her in many ways. When Sarah explains her life it really has a huge difference than if the soldiers would explain it.

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