Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Carrie White is a seventeen year old girl that went to high school. She was an outcast at her school. She was so used to everybody making fun of her and being me to her she thinks the same things about herself, she tells herself that nobody want to look at me because I’m so ugly. She has dull brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has pimples on her back, face and shoulders. She is a heavier girl, well heavier than everybody at her school.
Carrie’s mother is very crazy, she makes Carrie go into a closet and pray, because she thinks that she is a devil spawn. She abuses her and she brings her confidence down and she doesn’t even like herself because of her mother. Carrie misses her father very much; he died when she was young. Her teachers don’t help the situation when they call her out at school and give attention to her. She is just a girl that doesn’t have a great house hold and no friends. She really shouldn’t feel the way she should about herself right now.

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