Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Change can be Good

Author’s note: This piece of writing is a letter to another character from the book Speak and how they have changed through her freshman year of high school.
Dear Rachel,
I have really changed since the last time that I saw you. I used to be so quiet and I just wasn’t fun to be around. The night that we went to the party was our last good time together. Well yours not mine because of Andy. I didn’t stick up for myself like I should have. Getting all those looks when I was walking down the halls, I just couldn’t deal with it. Wanting to hurt myself skip school miss out on my life, I should have just told you guys the truth. This has been a rough year for me but now I know how to take control of bad situations, tell the truth, and don’t judge people by what people tell you.
Andy had raped me, that will never change but when he tried to do it again I took control and he knew it. He doesn’t dare touch me or any other girl in this school again. I will always tell the truth now because it really can help you along your journeys. If I would’ve just told you guys about what had happened to me, I wouldn’t have had a hard time this year. Also, telling the truth can really help you in a situation, I used to lie to my parents all the time but after all that I had been through; I’ll never do it again.
You were one of the people that had judged me before I have even told you what happened. You took other people’s word over me, your best friend. I know now that judging people by what other people tell me isn’t right I am never going to do it again and neither should you. I would really like to be friends again. It has been a tough year but I have changed and I think we could be great friends again, just think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your author note, maybe look at the format. Overall it was good.
