Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How Free were Free Blacks in the North?

Author’s Note: This piece of writing is from my social studies class and explaining why free blacks weren’t really free in the North.
Imagine being controlled by someone every move that you make. Where and what you do every second of the day. Getting punished if you don’t do what you’re supposed to or you try to learn how to read or write. This is what slaves had to go through. Once they were all claimed to be free from people, they weren’t really free. What does this question make you think about, how free were free black slaves in the North?
First off, do you know anyone with different color skin than you ? Think about what their ancestors had to go through even when slavery had ended and they were free from being owned. They were able to do what they wanted, but they really weren’t in the community. They didn’t dare socialize with the white people because that was against the law. The best job they could get was being a laborer, that was nothing compared to the white people they barely got any money. They weren’t allowed to go to the hotels with their families, theaters, restaurants and what is the worst part yet they made separate schools for the children so they wouldn’t socialize with each other. Imagine what those poor kids thought, was there something wrong with me, why can’t we just be together and learn together. Collages never accepted black people’s applications. They weren’t allowed to vote, marry whites, and sit on juries. They had no opinions out of the black churches and other black people in the community. Just look at how good we have now compared to people then. (3) (2)(4)
Secondly, compared to the South the North blacks that were free had more freedom. The South slaves weren’t even allowed to travel freely compared to what the North slaves could do. It was easier to create schools because they had more freedom in the north they didn’t even have enough free slaves in the south. They also had an advantage on speaking what they wanted to say. This was because the North had more black churches and in the churches you good speak your mind without people judging you. To those people they felt that they actually meant something to the world because they were able to say what they wanted to. South slaves didn’t have enough people also to create churches and speak their minds at the time that the north slaves did. (1)
Finally, to me free means a bunch of things that didn’t happen to the slaves in the north or south. Free means to me being able to say what you want in front of everyone black or whites and they shouldn’t judge you. Being able to actually have a chance to get into collage not being judged by color, but by your grades in high school and you helping in your community. Kid being able to be friends with who they want and get to play and see them at school, they shouldn’t learn to judge people by the way that they look. Marrying the person that you fall in love with, not looking at their color. Going to the movies or a restaurant with your friends, any place. All these things makes you really free, unlike what had happened to them then, each person needs to be respected for who they are and what their features are, that’s just being human. (all)
As you can see free blacks in the North were not really free at all. They had the part free from another person but their whole community treated them like slaves. Telling them where they could go and where they couldn’t go. They shouldn’t have boundaries and really that is keeping them from living their life. All they wanted to do was be like the rest of the people that live around them, they should’ve at least gotten that.

1 comment:

  1. I like the format, great job using one piece for another purpose
